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#142 Dean and George - The Post Comp Rebound
Growth phases, Mini cuts, Comp prep... they are all important for the competitive physique athlete, but what doesn't get enough air time is the post comp phase. In this episode, our resident prep coaches, Dean &...
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#141 - Michael Pearson - How To Believe In Yourself
Your hosts Dean and Lizzy explore the mind of a very passionate and promising Flex Athlete, Mike Pearson. He is about to get back on stage after a 3 year focused growth phase with Flex Coach Dean. Take a listen to...
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#140 Lizzy and Dean - Supplements Part 1 (Replay)
With SO much promotion of SO many sports supplements, it's hard to know which to take. In this episode, we focus on the most efficacious ones that almost everyone who gives a shit about being jacked would benefit...
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#139 Ben Cant - Offseason Digestion
There's more to consider for bodybuilders when it comes to nutrition than for the average fitness enthusiast. One reason being that food type and volume may need to change during varying phases (growth/bulking vs...
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#138 Mike Israetel & Joe Jeffery - Coaches Round Table (Replay)
We are resharing this absolute cracker of a podcast we did with Dr. Mike Israetel and Joe Jeffery way back in mid-2023'. We dive into all things training volume and intensity for different phases of physique...
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#137 Lizzy and Dean - Site Enhancement & Fake Boobs
In 'untested' bodybuilding federations where drugs like steroids aren't even tested for (and therefore not banned in practise) is cheating even possible? Are muscle implants ethical? What about injecting a liquid...
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#136 Kuba Cielen - The Cost of Success (Replay)
Following the epic feedback from the previous episode with guest Kuba Cielen, we are taking this next episode to reshare the very first time we had Kuba on the podcast - wayyyyy back in ep #73. There are some real...
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#135 Kuba Cielen - Routine
IFBB Pro bodybuilder, coach, and gym owner Kuba shares the power of routine and the freedom and discipline this gives his life. Join us in this episode for all things productivity and building a foundation for...
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#134 Dean, Lizzy and George - Peak Week (Part 2)
There are more things that can add to a successful peak week for a bodybuilding competition outside of carbohydrate manipulation. In this episode, we look beyond carbs to those other considerations.
Something worth...
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#133 Dean, Lizzy and George - 3 Carb Loading Strategies for Peak Week
Join us in this episode for an intro to the 3 main strategies of carb loading undertaken in a peak week for a bodybuilding competition. What are they, what are the pros and cons, how would you go about choosing which...
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#132 Shannon Beer - Weight Maintenance (Replay)
In a world so focused on muscle gain and fat loss, it's easy to overlook the unsexy 'weight maintenance goal. But for those who have gained the muscle, or lost the fat, what then? We can't continuously gain (muscle)...
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#131 Lizzy and Dean - Sometimes Foods
Most of us know by now that a few squares of chocolate within the context of a nutrient-dense diet is perfectly 'healthy'. We agree that balance is important and 'sometimes foods' can be part of a 'good diet'. But how...
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